Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Thaw Begins: On the Personality Cult and its Consequences

Russia has been oppressed by Stalin and his manaical practices for too long. It is time for the people to reunite as a nation and look beyond the needs of the individual. It is time to introduce new policies that will strengthen the country. It is time to emerge from the shadow of Stalin and the so-called Stalinization of Russia that left the people without liberty and without hope.

It has been three years since the death of our former leader, Josef Stalin, and the time to act is now. Contrary to many Soviet leaders, I believe that Russia and the world should know about the inexcusable terror instilled by Stalin. I am not afraid to denounce Stalinization nor am I afraid to do so on the world stage. Despite the strong disapproval of my advisors and other bureaucrats, I have decided to release information concerning Stalin and his totalitarian regime through publishing the speech I gave during a closed session of the 20th Party Congress at the Kremlin just a few days ago. Below, you will find a link to the text version of my speech, On the Personality Cult and its Consequences, and I encourage you to carefully read through the details of Stalin's reign of terror.


My reasons for posting this classifed speech are rooted in the principle of glasnost, or "open-ness". Over time, I hope to transform Russia into a more open-minded society that accepts new economic reform, culture, and international cooperation. Stalin closed off Russia from the rest of the world that is rapidly industrializing and progressing economically as well as socially. Glasnost would give Russians a new sense of liberty and freedom as restrictions would be relaxed considerably and the nation would become less isolated as a whole. Russian triumph will emanate from Russian unity-- we must let our nation thaw after these bitter years of Stalinization.

Nikita Khrushchev

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